
From the IPAD to the Sketchpad...Engaging students in the *real* world around them

The screens are taking over.  Kids ride their bikes and walk home from school while on the phone. Families lounge around their home while sometimes being attached not to just one screen, but multiple screens such as watching tv while also holding onto phones, iPods, iPads, laptops, etc.  At a time where there is more instant connection between us in the world than ever through the internet,  we are losing our face to face human connection at the same time.  (and sometimes manners...eeks!)

While technology can't be ignored and has it's benefits, it is also important to find ways to save real human interactions and real viewing of the world around you. Did anybody miss something cool out the window on the road trip this summer because instead of gazing out the window they were hunched over working on that screen?  We all love our screens, but really, it's all about balance and not forgetting to take in the tangible world around us.  

We also need to mention the great satisfaction of using our hands to create stuff.  Kids like their iPads, but they LOVE hands on experiences.  (Hence the slime phenomenon! They love holding, playing with, and feeling that stuff!)  Adults too; think about one time when you got that satisfied fulfillment using your hands to make could've been something as simple as making pizza dough, but it was a satisfying feeling, right!?  

Creative Geniuses Fall Sketchbook is the answer to creating this balance.  Our student sketchbooks are the program's custom supplement that will give our students the satisfaction of the hands on experience they crave while incorporating technology that they desire.  

The world around us has so much to see and learn about. The Creative Geniuses sketchbook is a tool to inspire students to look and engage themselves in the world around them. Our sketchbooks have the ability to be connected to our students' own personal virtual art gallery. Choose to share with family and close friends anywhere in the world. Students that use a sketchbook:

  • are taking responsibility to lead their own unique learning path
  • build organizational skills
  • strengthen drawing and planning techniques
  • encourage literacy as they write and read their ideas
  • document process and growth over time
  • link classroom knowledge to real world experience
  • practice processing ideas and emotions in a healthy productive way  

See how our students are using their sketchbooks by viewing the gallery on our Facebook Page. Don't forget to share your Creative Geniuses Sketchbook example or see other artist examples by using #WeAreCreativeGeniuses on our Instagram!  

We have to do more than tap our fingertips!  We need to engage our whole hand....along with our heart and mind.  This will lead us to our most colorful life. 

Save 15% on sketchbooks this week only during our presale! Use the promo code PRESALE15 @ checkout to get the deal!