June Art Program Showcase

Where do cows hang there paintings? In a MOO-seum!

Creative Geniuses Art Program believes it is an important component for artists to share their work. Whether it be in a museum, in your home where your loved ones gather, or here on the world wide web, we want to display what our artists are creating.

It helps us:

express ourselves

teach us new things

think critically

build our self esteem

…and so much more.

The Sky is the Limit with our art this June. Projects included:

Sky Weavings inspired by the vibrant colors of the sky

Galaxy Paper inspired the swirls and patterns of our universe

Airplanes made with a special travel buddy inspired by the beauty and engineering of aircraft

Sky Birds inspired by the variety of birds flying through our world of all shapes, colors, and sizes.

Enjoy our showcase of pictures. Seeing these one of the biggest things that sticks out to me is each artist has their own personal twist and expression. Creative Geniuses provides supplies, directions, art resources, but our students use this as a springboard to be themselves and work their mind and express their spirit in their own unique way. The sky is the limit to what they create!